The symptoms that are reduced when you use Orencia can include pain, swelling and stiffness. Depending upon your particular circumstances, it may also be effective at helping to stop joint deformities, and as a result, it may increase your range of motion or help you to maintain a greater range of motion. The drug is often used for individuals with moderate to severe RA and sometimes, it can be used with biologic drugs, such as methotrexate. When it is used along with other medications in the same classification, it may be more potent.
The possibility for side effects should be discussed with Dr. Lavery before you begin taking the medicine. Most common side effects that are seen with this medication include an increase in common colds, headaches, nausea and sore throat. There may also be infusion reactions and in some cases, severe allergic reactions have occurred. Taking medications, such as Benadryl or Tylenol in advance may help to reduce the possibility of those types of allergic reactions. Since Orencia reduces the immune response, it can also lead to severe and sometimes fatal infection so this is also something you should discuss with your doctor.
Although there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, there are medications you can take to reduce the symptoms and to improve your quality of life. This is one of those drugs, and if it is appropriate for your use, it may be able to help.